
Showing posts from September, 2008

Chinese Garden 2008

Mid-Autumn Festival 2008 @ Chinese Garden... Bought a pair of tickets to go to the Chinese Garden where they have many many laterns set up for the Mid-Autumn Festival. This year's theme is Hello Kitty!!!! Yeah.. .. They are many many hello kitty related laterns there. Meow.... purr.... floating display at the lake. Keropi.... pointing fingers. more keropi!!! champion!!! melody... >. people mountain people sea... boating in a swan shaped foot-paddled boat. JOHNNY NEO TODAY.. ..

Police Heritage Centre Open House

There's a open house at Police Heritage Centre. Orginally was going in Feb/Mar period. However, some incident made the organiser push the event back... They have a Hall of Fame of officers who had died in the line of duty.... Many famous one and numerous unsung heroes.. These people died while serving their countrym their home... The old Rank System An even older Rank System The old kharki uniform Gurkha's knife.... Bicycling patrolling.. so cool... Giant Taser... Nice trip... many souvenirs to collect and games to play... definately bringing more people for the next open house. JOHNNY NEO TODAY.. ..