
Showing posts from May, 2009

Practice Shoot @ HTA

Wow, It's been almost a year since I step in to the range.... I have lost touch with the firearm.... Oh man... the worst results I have ever had. I could count the missing shots..... Well, everyone have their up and downs... Thankfully the actual test will be based on the old format.. I know I can do well... Yes I Can!!! Johnny Neo Today.. ..

Travel Photography

I was reading some article and happen to chance upon one talking about being overseas and some precauiton photographers can take to safeguard themselves. 1. Travel with Insurance on your equipment. You never know when your equipment might get stolen. 2. Travel with a buddy Especially in third world countries, there's always a chance of a photographer getting robbed. 3. Watch your surroundings It's important to stay alert when travelling to third world foreign countries. Watch what is happening around you. Dont't get lost in your own thoughts. Be aware. 4. Be Confident and Blend in You can tell the difference between a seasoned traveller and a neophite. The clothing they wear and the way they walk. If you act like you know what's going on where you are headed, you'll most probably be left alone. 5. If you notice someone following you, Find a shop in a common area Put away your equipment and call for help 6. Have a emergency number The embassy

Semakau Landfill

Public Service Week 2009!!!! A day trip to P. Semakau to take a look at the landfill!!! As it is an Island, we need to take a boat there... Hence, we proceed to the jetty to find a boat... Not long after departing from the jetty, the island could be seen. Nearer now... Real Close.. These stuff used to be trash... After a long journey of cleaning and purifying... They will enjoy a new lease of life as land... What you are seeing here, used to be the sea... however, it have since been reclaimed... with trash... The first stage of turning trash into land.. Draining the basin of sea water.. Once the trash is ready to fill up the basin, these three inlets will be sealed.. for good... The membrane that prevent any liquid from the trash to pollute our water. An illustration of the island. These tubes allow the staff to monitor the surrounding water compound. A windmill at the far end of the island powers the lights in the immediate vicinity. A BIG

I yearn to fly

Today I made a new friend... He may be send by god to give me a gift and a chance. A gift of Wings. A chance to Fly again. The Skies The Limit. It was a chance encouter. There are many minor things which made the encounter possible. So many possibility of this chance running away. He could had spoken up 2 years ago, the contractor could have been honest, the neighbour could have forgotten about the issue, report could had been made earlier, the lawyer could had advised against, they might have been slower by another 15mins, I could have ignored their case, and I would have miss this opportunity. It is somewhat similiar to how I had ended up running and managing businesses since 2003. If I had not insisted on working in the Direst Sales company, I would not have know the gang. If Fred had been honest with his finances, no body would have quit. If I had not happen to saw Nick and said to him our parting words "Got lobang must call me", he wouldn't have get

HDB March BTO Balloting Results

Today HDB release the balloting results of the March BTO, Nautilus @ Punggol... Estate : Punggol Flat-Type : 4-Room No. of Flats : 413 Your balloted queue position : 669 Total Number of Applicants : 1111 You will receive a letter from us inviting to select a flat in June/ July 2009. As your queue number exceeds the number of flats on offer, whether you will be able to select a flat would depend on the availability of flats and ethnic quota when your turn is due. OMG..... I looked at the flats on offer, consulted me wife, check our finances and decided that we can comfortably afford the houses here.... Hence, I submitted the application even before the total applicants hit 300..... Now my queue number is placed behind indecisive people... That is so so so..... stupid... Now I understand why some people dislike balloting system... People who are uninterested to obtain a flat and apply for the fun of it are pushing genuine buyers all the way back.... I most certainly

Swensen Dinner

Peek-a-Boo I love US Fries. Her Fish and Chips My BBQ Half Chicken Johnny Neo Today.. ..

Discharged from TTSH

I am very happy to be finally discharged from TTSH. It means that I no longer have to go back for any follow up action or whatsoever anymore... Yeah... I have a list of people who i wish to thank.... - Me wife for being there for me, being with me to the hospital, taking good care of me for a week at her place, bringing me to the doctor, showering me with tender loving care, buy food for me, prepare food for me, assist me in my daily routine and loving me. - In-laws for being at the hospital, bringing my bro back on that day, allowing me to stay at their place for a week, preparing food for me and buying food for me - Youyi for being at the hospital to see how am I, his girlfriend was there too, sorry to bother you people so early in the morning and arranging for the hamper to reach my place. - Yi Jun for being at the scene and informing people, buy things for me, gave me a cute flower, gave me a card and visiting me - Jeremy for buying things for me, gave me a card, visiti

Last visit to the Doc @ TTSH

Today is the day that I am finally discharged from the hospital for good.... yipee... TTSH is still in lock down mode.... have to check temperature and such... thank goodness we found a parking lot easily... I was quite amaze to know that while waiting for my turn at the waiting area, TTSH actually send me a SMS, informing me the time I can expect to see the doctor... It's pretty accurate... Anyway I was on time for my appointment, waited for about 20mins... Talk to the doctor a less than 5 minutes.... He says that if ther is swelling and pain, it's normal... Because of the long cut... some nerves and veins have been cut short... so, the leg would be as effective in removing toxin and water from the area... He says I CAN run... haha..... but it there is any abnormality with it, I have to stop... haha... Took less than 30mins at the doctor.. and I have to pay <$30..... hmmm..... Johnny Neo Today.. ..

Jeremy's Birthday

It's My Cousin's Birthday!!! He got a Doraemon Cake!! We had Sushi for Lunch Together with Ice Lemon Tea.. Chawamushi Sweet Stuff... He Killed Doraemon... Than we went to Changi Airport Terminal 3 for a walk.. this Giant Flower will point at you... Johnny Neo Today.. ..


It have been a long time since I was requested to assist in the FLP Success Day. 3 years to be exact. Alvin was informed that he is in charge of the event for the month of May. Due to recent events in between our Singapore office and Cambodia office, there isn't much manpower left for Alvin to tap into to assist him in the event. We are, as usual, the vanguard of the Company and our group. Hence, how could us reject his invitation to assist? Haha... 3 years is a long time. I haven't meddled with the AV system for such mid-sized event for the past 3 years. In between there are many other minor events like CM and NDO that I drop by to see how it's going. But still, I have already lost touch in the activities. Our new marketing staff does not seem to know me very well. Not that I cared. However, she seem very concerned about me and questioned my ability and skills. That is so annoying. Well, since she does not really understand the history of our company and our ro

Istana Open House

May Day.. Istana have a open house on all Major Public Holidays... Opening Hours The accessible areas Trees Istana Building WE... Shooting the Building!!! Johnny Neo Today.. ..