Genting '08 Last Day

My police division trip sponsored us on a overseas trip this year. I choose to go to Genting Highlands with me wife at a subsidised rate.

we wake up early for breakfast.

take some photos under a tree.

packet some food and to drain our RM200 food voucher.

and board the bus.

Qing Shui Temple.


Dinner at a 777 rest stop. We took 777 bus service thru and fro.

I found out something very intersting at Genting. Being at 6000ft, the difference in air pressure is enough to cause some anoyance for some people and for some things too. The air pressure, being greater at low lands and lower at higher grounds. Can cause some funny effects to your daily things. When we arrive and open things like Shampoo, Gels etc, they all spurt out of the bottles like someone squeezed them. I took a while to realised that the air in the bottles have actually expended at high altitude and pushed the contents out of the bottles.

See what happen we we bring such items back to low lands.

The air inside contract and actually "sucks" the bottle in.
Interesting huh... :D



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